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Add Unsubscribe Links

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What is it? An unsubscribe link allows your users to “unsubscribe” from receiving emails from you in the future.


Why it Matters? Not having an unsubscribe link will severely harm your email deliverability rates.


How to Set It Up? We make it as easy as possible to add an unsubscribe link all of your emails. Within the email builder, our “Footer” Element. Be sure to use this or edit and create your own. 


You have two options, you can use the default unsubscribe link we’ve automatically set up for you or you can create your own!

  1. Default Unsubscribe Link Set Up

    1. If you are using LC Email, it’s quick and easy to use our default unsubscribe links.

    2. This will not work for non-LC Emails. Refer to the next point for non-LC Email users.

  2. Custom Unsubscribe Link Set Up

    1. Make the best possible unsubscribe link and process, giving you full control, get started here with this Custom Unsubscribe Link Set Up Help Doc above.

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